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Curry sausage stew with rice recipe

Nothing is as comforting as a big plate of traditional curried sausage stew with rice.

Curry sausage stew with rice: Delicious to the last spoon

Main Ingredients:

4 Sausages (cut into dice)
1 medium sliced onion
2 medium tomatoes
2 Table spoon curry powder (you can adjust the quantity to your taste) 

Steps of Preparation 

Heat your pan/pot and add little oil to cook the sausages

Add the sausage pieces and allow to brown on one side. Make sure the fire is not too high as the sausages may burn. Toss the pan to make the pieces brown on all sides After about a minute, all sides should be nice and brown. The idea is just to brown the outside. Transfer to a plate

Cook the onions with little oil. Keep stirring and add more oil if necessary to allow even browning The curry powder at this point when slightly brown. Cook while stirring for a few seconds but take care not to burn the onion. Add blended tomatoes (you can also chop them fine). Tomatoes cook faster when cut small/blended

Return the sausage onto the pan. Add salt, and allow to cook for about 3 minutes while covered on medium heat. Add little water to avoid drying up. Taste and adjust the seasoning. If it's bitter, add a little sugar. To have a creamier taste, add some cream. Give it a good mix and allow to simmer then.....

Add chopped coriander then stir

Turn off the heat and get ready to feast.

Serve with rice and a generous portion of vegetables.

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