Lasting Solution for Tantrums in Children

These can begin shortly after the first birthday, but should fade away by about the age of 4 years, unless the parents have made tantrums worthwhile.

Examples of instances on tantrums

  • Tantrums at the supermarket. Supermarket might have been designed to bring out the worst in children. There are very few staff. People help themselves to what they want. There are long aisles that are just right for running up and down. Shopping for groceries can be pretty boring. The goods are easy to reach, so why shouldn't junior also help himself? The TV commercials have familiarized him with carton designs, so he can recognize some of the products. His little hands heave his choices into the trolley. Mother heaves them back onto the shelf. The child howls in protest, and may throw himself on to the ground in tantrums. Mum is caught in trap. If she submit to blackmail and loads up with what junior demands, she has lost the war. It will be very difficult to regain control in a similar incident. If the battle at the shelves was lost, there is another defeat coming at the checkout where the store has craftily arranged a selection of tasty, tooth-destroying morsels.
  • Tantrum with sleepless child. The occasional broken night for parents of young children is normal. Unfortunately there are some children who howl and scream in the night or who wake up and come to the parents’ bed, or who fight going to bed.
The tantrums can come from the child’s frustration with his parents or with himself. It is not long before the child sees the tantrum as a powerful manipulative weapon to get what he wants. 

What can parents do? 

They can attempt to divert the child’s attention to ignore the outbursts or to take him off to his room and ignore him until he has cooled down. That takes strong parental nerves, but the alternative is slavery under a juvenile yoke. Hold the child in a firm, close cuddle. This may work for some parents, but others may find their patience wears thin and they may use force on the child.

What should mum do in instances on tantrums at the supermarket?

My view - Go straight out of the store, with howling child in tow, and talk things over outside. The process needs to begin with the first time the child tries it on. Toddlers can be tucked under the arm if necessary.

Tantrums at night here are few rules that may solve the problems if it is not too severe.
  • Not too much liquid just before bedtime.
  • Make the last meal of the day the lightest.
  • End the day with relaxing activities, not a very exciting game or TV programme.
  • A soft light may help to reassure the child who is afraid of the dark, and who wakens to a darkened room.
  • Give plenty of time, love and assurance before bedtime.
The howling child cannot be ignored, but should be given only the comfort necessary to relax him. The child will soon learn to judge whether the performance is paying off in terms of reward, assuming that the child has some measure of control over what is happening.

Prescription for Dull Marriage Syndrome

Take a few minute to think back to your courting days. A pencil and a paper will be useful.

Jot down what it was that attracted you to your husband or wife. What was it you liked so much about her face, figure or hair, his features, expression or physique?

Make a few notes about personality. Was she vivacious and extrovert? It could be your partner was coy and shy and you liked to feel protective; maybe he or she was full of fun: a buoyant, happy, infectious sort of person.

List the sort of things you enjoyed doing together. Maybe it was parties or driving, water-skiing or walking; cuddling in front of the TV; going to concerts or the theatre.

Remember the things your partner did or said which made you happy or gave you pleasure. This could include little gifts, ways and expressions by which you felt loved and wanted. It may also have been a certain touch, a facial expression or things said and whispered.

Remember the ways you used to express your love with words and actions. There were also times when you purposefully plotted a surprise sent a special card or arranged for a treat.

When most couple’s expectations of marriage are not met, they begin to talk of ‘incompatibility’. Why are you saying that now? I will assume that their reply will be that when we were courting we seemed ‘very compatible’. This is no issue of compatibility, perhaps what they need to do is to analyze their relationship and their expectations of it, and to re-adjust both.

Believe me, what worked then will work now.

Health in the Home Continuation.

Continuation from Health in the Home

Learning to eat in the right way. 

Medical science has discovered that it is much better for our digestive system if we have regular time for eating. If our children have been accustomed to picking at the food any time they wish, we may find difficulty in breaking this habit, but gradually we can encourage them not to eat except at mealtime. If we have three good meals per day, and yet feel the little ones still need something in between meals, let them have something extra at a certain time each day, but not just any time all day long. To help them form the habit of eating only at mealtimes, place all food out of sight after each meal.

Then, too, we all need much more water than we usually drink. 

Six or eight glasses of good water daily helps to keep us healthy. Have the water jar where the children can serve themselves. Encourage them to drink many cups of water daily, at all times during the day.

Getting enough sleep

Many children do not get the sleep they need. Sleep is very important to growing children. Their bodies and minds need complete relaxation that comes only with a nap during the day, and restful sleep at night. The two-years-olds need twelve hours of sleep at night; the child from six to nine years need eleven hours; and the children above twelve years need about ten hours of sleep. If all get up around six o’clock in the morning, the smallest children must be in bed by six o’clock, and the older ones by eight o’clock the evening before. Perhaps we have thought that children will naturally take the sleep they need; but this is not so. Some children are more nervous and excitable than others, and unless they are made to retire to a quiet sleeping room, they will not get to sleep until very late.

The medicine that works best.  

Solomon said, “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine”. (Prov. 17:22.) Thinking happy thoughts will be like medicine to us. Let us teach our children to think kindly of others—how to help them, how to encourage them, how to make them happy. Teach them to appreciate the beauties of nature, and a love for the creatures God has created for them. Teach them about Jesus and His love for them, and how the angels guard and protect little children from danger. These thoughts in their minds will help to produce happy, healthy, and well-adjusted children.

Health in the Home

There are many sick people in the world, unhappy, in pain, and generally miserable. They would give everything to get well, have good health and be strong again. Many have spent their money going to many different kinds of doctors trying to get help.

Until the Lord comes again this world will always be filled with such troubles. However, many of the sicknesses and accidents could be prevented, if we took the time to learn ways of healthful living and of being careful. Through the years God has guided man to discover better ways of caring for their health and more effective medicines to cure disease. We not only want our children to have hearts that love what is right but also to have bodies that are strong and healthy.

Good health is not achieved through magic, but through obedience to the laws of health. By obeying these simple laws of health many wise people are blessed with more children and with a better life and good health.

Here are some of the ways you can obey the laws of health.

Teaching the children to bathe. To keep our bodies free from evil-smelling perspiration and dirt, we need to bathe daily with soap and clean water. Sometimes our children must be reminded of special places to wash, such as neck, ears, elbows, knees and fingernails. Dirty fingernails are carriers of disease. The children should be taught early to make a thick lather soap all over their bodies, reaching all the places that sometimes hide dirt. Their scalps should be free of the scale of grime that develops on the heads of children whose parents neglect to wash them.

Our house should be clean and tidy. There should be hidden far away from the house, a rubbish pit for the disposal of all refuse. Some kind of clean toilet system should be provided, perhaps a deep pit, properly enclosed to ensure safety. If the children need a vessel of some kind at night, parents should make one available in order to prevent them from forming the habit of urinating just outside the hut. When this vessel is washed daily with soap and hot water, with a few drops of daily with soap and hot water, with a few drops of disinfectant, it will remain clean and free of foul smells.

Mother's and Father will see that there are enough clothes’ boxes and cupboards for all the family, a place to hang dresses, suits, and hats. The blankets and other bedding will be aired and washed often enough to keep them clean. If we have a child who regularly wets the bed, we will not fail to buy a waterproof sheet, so that we don’t have a dirty, smelly mattress. Never will we leave food uncovered where disease-laden flies can alight on it.

See More Health in the Home Continuation


Bites from black widow spiders and brown recluse spiders are potentially life threatening. 


  • Pain at site of bite
  • Pain, muscle spasm, and paralysis at distant site
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Chest tightness
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Dizziness
  • Sweating
  • Signs of shock (see Shock)

SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS for Brown Recluse

  • Red lesion at bite site
  • Lesion blisters and may become painful ulceration
  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Body rash
  • Procedure for administering first aid
  •  Lower affected part below the level of the heart.  
  • Remove rings and bracelets from bitten extremity.
  • Cleanse area with soap and water.
  • Apply cold compresses.
  • Keep bitten extremity immobilized.
  • If signs and symptoms of allergic reaction occur (see Allergic Reaction), call 911. 
  • Call parent and recommend contact with health provider.


          This site is for information only and NOT a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.

Any information presented in this site are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the general view or opinions of information sought.

Six basic steps for cleaning and disinfection

Cleaning can be defined as the application of energy to remove dirt grease and other soiling. Cleaning is essential to good and health life.

Disinfectants: The process of disinfection food from contamination, bacteria, but not spores or toxins, to levels that are neither harmful to human health nor to the quality of food. Dis-infestation may be carried out using:
  • Heat, preferably moist heat at a temperature above 82ᵒC (180ᵒF).
  • Stem.
  • Chemicals, either separately or in combination.

What to disinfect: 

Surfaces where the levels of bacteria present may have an adverse effect on the security or safety of one’s health.

Disinfection needs to be carried out carefully to ensure that it is successful and safe.

Steps for cleaning and disinfection include;

  • Pre-clean: removal of loose soil by wiping, scraping, rinsing or soaking.
  • Main clean: loosening the remaining soil by use of detergents.
  • Intermediate rinse: removal of soil and chemicals.
  • Disinfection: reduction of the remaining bacteria to a safe level.
  • Final rinse: removal of the disinfectant.
  • Drying: natural (e.g. air drying): physical (e.g. using disposable paper towels or a clean dry cloth).
If soiling is light, the pre-clean may be combined with the main clean.
Disinfection may not be necessary on all surfaces; when disinfectants are used, disinfection may be incorporated in the main clean using a chemical sanitizer. This creates a four-stage process: pre-clean; main clean; disinfection; rinse and dry.

Some types of equipment need to be completely or partly dismantled to allow satisfactorily cleaning. Electrical safety must be checked before machines are cleaned.

Family planning - The Pill

Family planning simply means that a couple will choose the number of children they want, when they want them, and the interval at which they want them. It means parenthood by choice, rather than by chance.

Factors to consider before going for family planning program;

  • The length of time a newly wedded couple needs for adjustment to each other before assuming the responsibility of parenthood. (Findings shows that the presence of a child during the first two years of marriage doubles the likelihood of divorce).
  • The couple’s ability to care adequately for the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of each child brought into the world.
  • The wife’s health (most women do not reach full biological development until about age 23, and the best time for motherhood is the five-year period following full biological maturity; also pregnancy before full maturity is full of risks: a high death rate among babies, high date rate among young mothers, spontaneous abortions, stillbirths, and toxemia).
  • The effect that the fear of pregnancy may have on the full enjoyment of the sex relationship

The Pill. The pill, when taken as directed, is the most effective contraceptive known. The Pill places the responsibility for birth control on the wife. It is a powerful drug and should be taken only by prescription under medical supervision. When it is taken as prescribed, without omitting a single dose, there should be no more than one unplanned pregnancy per year in 1,000 women using the Pill. Because of the Pill effectiveness and convenience, many physicians recommend the pill for newlyweds. The bride should consult her family physician if you have one or any qualified physician at least two months prior to the wedding and follow the advice given to the letter. 

Also see;

Family Planning - Intrauterine Devices (IUDs)

Family planning simply means that a couple will choose the number of children they want, when they want them, and the interval at which they want them. It means parenthood by choice, rather than by chance.

Each couple will have to decide which method of contraception is the best for them in order to plan and space pregnancies. There is no perfect method for every couple. Some couples change methods along with the circumstances in their lives.

In choosing a method you will want to consider its effectiveness, availability and cost, convenience, and your personal preferences. Any method a couple finds unpleasant, uncomfortable, or embarrassing will not be right for them.

Intrauterine Devices (IUDs). The rate of failure for the IUD is somewhere between 15 and 30 pregnancies per 1000 women per year during the first year of use. The failure rate decreases thereafter. The IUD is a soft, flexible plastic loop or irregularly shaped disc that a physician inserts into the cervical canal. The IUD should be checked about once a week by the user to be certain it is in its proper place.

Side effects resulting from the IUD are;
  • Some cramps
  • Backache
  • Heavier menstrual flow.  
  • Spotting between periods

However it should be noted this is not a general case, almost 90 per cent of the women who use it have no problems. It can easily be removed when pregnancy is desired.

Also see;

Family Planning - The Condom

Each couple will have to decide which method of contraception is the best for them in order to plan and space pregnancies. There is no perfect method for every couple. Some couples change methods along with the circumstances in their lives.

Circumstances like:
  • The length of time a newly wedded couple needs for adjustment to each other before assuming the responsibility of parenthood. (Findings shows that the presence of a child during the first two years of marriage doubles the likelihood of divorce).
  • The couple’s ability to care adequately for the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of each child brought into the world.
  • The wife’s health (most women do not reach full biological development until about age 23, and the best time for motherhood is the five-year period following full biological maturity; also pregnancy before full maturity is full of risks: a high death rate among babies, high date rate among young mothers, spontaneous abortions, stillbirths, and toxemia).
  • The effect that the fear of pregnancy may have on the full enjoyment of the sex relationship

The Condom

The Condom, with cream or foam is most preferred type of condom when it comes to family planning. The condom, when used alone, falls at the rate of 26 pregnancies per 1,000 couples per year. But when combined with a contraceptive cream or foam, the rate is less than 10 per 1000 women per year. The condom (or “rubber” as it commonly called) is readily available without prescription, has no side effects, is easy to use, and places the responsibility for birth control on the husband rather than on the wife. The probability of pregnancy owing to a defective condom is less than one in three million chances.

Also see;

Family planning - The Diaphragm and Vaginal Foams.

The aim of ‘the family plan’ should be that each child should be joyfully wanted by responsible parents. It is possible that when you marry you may have a baby within the first year. Are you ready to accept a baby if it should come-regardless of the plan you have? Do you have the discipline and maturity that caring for infant requires?

Here are some of the methods of contraceptives. Find the best for you in order to plan and space pregnancies. The choice is all yours guided by a doctor.

The Diaphragm. The diaphragm is a strong, lightweight, flexible rubber cap that is inserted into the vagina to fit over the cervix like a dome-shaped lid. It prevents the sperm from entering the uterus but must be combined with a jelly, cream, or foam in order to be effective. It must also be fitted by a physician and inserted by the woman prior to intercourse. It should not be removed for at least six hours following intercourse. The failure rate is about 26 pregnancies per 1000 users per year.

Vaginal Foams. Vaginal foam has been on the market for more than thirty years and allows about 26 pregnancies per 1000 women. Vaginal Foam products when placed in the vagina act on the sperm without harming the vaginal tissues. Forms, creams, and gels are available with an applicator that automatically measures the proper amount.

Also see;

Chapati Recipe Kenya

  • 2 cups all-purpose flour (sifted)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • Warm water
  • Cooking oil
  • (Optional) finely chopped onions (use the 1/2" purple kind)
  • (Optional) finely chopped garlic

Method of preparation:
  • Allow ingredients to warm to room temperature if they have been refrigerated.
  • Mix flour, onion, and salt in a bowl.
  • Slowly, mix in enough water to make a thick dough.
  • Knead dough for a few minutes adding a couple spoonful of dry flour.
  • Cover bowl of dough with a clean cloth and let sit for about a half-hour.
  • Pre-heat (medium high or high) and lightly grease a skillet or fry pan.
  • Divided the dough into tangerine sized balls.
  • Using a rolling pin, on a floured board flatten the balls into six-inch circles.
  • Lightly flour the chapatis before stacking while rolling additional chapates.
  • Fry until each side has golden-brown spots, flipping once.
  • Cover the cooked chapatis until served. To keep warm, wrap the stack of finished chapatis in a heavy plastic grocery bag or place in oven on lowest setting.
  • Slice into quarters if desired.
It can be served cut up into quarters and served as a side dish (particularly with any sort of curry/dipping sauce) or rolled up and filled with vegetables into a "Rolex

Occupational Health

Occupational health means keeping oneself free from illnesses associated with conditions at work. Work-related are a major health problem in the world today. Hazards at work may or may not be obvious.

For example:
Exposure limits - many substance and environments established under COSHH regulations, exposure limits may be exceeded accidentally.
Susceptibility to illness - this can vary from person to person.

Symptoms of illness at work

These may not appear for many years after the original contract - for example, in the case of asbestos causing asbestosis.

Action should be taken to protect employees from hazards at work. 

For example:
  • Assessments should be made and records kept of any hazards employees may face.
  • Trained professionals should be employed to eliminate or reduce potential hazards.
  • Safety policies should be designed to minimize the health risk to employees.
  • Special equipment should be used to help shield employees from danger.
  • The employee must display the right attitude and action to safeguard their own health and safety while at work. She or he should cooperate with occupational health and safety programmes as these are designed to identify and control occupational health hazards.

Self-protection at work

Always keep a healthy frame of mind. Never assume that ‘it can’t happen to me’ - it can! The way to help prevent illness and accidents is to take proper precautions every day you work. Treat hazardous substances and working conditions with respect. Never cut corners to get work done faster. Follow the company’s health and safety policies regarding exposure limits, clean-up procedures, protective equipment, smoking, and so on. Be aware of hazards that might exist at work. 



  • Anticipating potential contact with infectious materials in routine and emergency situations is the most important step in preventing exposure to and transmission of infections.
  • Use Standard Precautions and infection control techniques in all situations that may present the hazard of infection.
  • Precautions should be observed and appropriate protection used when caring for bleeding injuries or handling other body fluids in emergency situations. Body fluids include blood, drainage from cuts, scabs, skin lesions, urine, feces, vomitus, nasal discharge, and saliva. The body fluids of all persons should be considered to be potentially hazardous.
  • Avoid direct contact with body fluids. Caregivers who anticipate assisting in first aid when body fluids are present (e.g., cleaning cuts and scrapes, treating a bloody nose) should use disposable gloves.
  • Caregivers should use protective eyewear and masks in certain situations.
  • If unanticipated skin contact occurs, hands and all other affected skin should be washed with soap and running water as soon as possible.  The local procedures for blood and body fluid exposure should be followed.
  • Diligent and proper hand washing, the use of barriers (e.g., gloves), appropriate disposal of waste products and needles, and proper care of spills are essential techniques of infection control. 
  • If it is necessary to perform CPR, a one-way mask or other infection control barrier should be used.  However, CPR should not be delayed while such a device is located. 

Hand washing procedure.

  • Wash hands vigorously with soap under a stream of warm running water for at least 20 seconds.  
  • Wash all surfaces including backs of hands, wrists, between fingers, and under nails.
  • Rinse hands well with running water and thoroughly dry with paper towels.
  • If soap and water are unavailable, an alcohol-based hand rub may be used.   


  • Gloves must be worn when direct care may involve contact with any type of body fluid.
  • Disposable, single-use, waterproof gloves (e.g., latex or vinyl) should be used. (Vinyl gloves should be used with individuals who have a latex allergy or a high potential for developing a latex allergy, e.g., individuals with spinal bifida.) 
  • Discard gloves in the appropriate container after each use.
  • Hands should be washed immediately after glove removal. 

Disposal of infectious waste.

  • All used or contaminated supplies (e.g., gloves and other barriers, sanitary napkins, bandages) except syringes, needles, and other sharp implements should be placed into a plastic bag and sealed. This bag can be thrown into the garbage out of reach of children or animals.
  • Needles, syringes, and other sharp objects should be placed immediately after use in a puncture proof container that is leak proof on the bottom and sides. To reduce the risk of a cut or accidental puncture by a needle, NEEDLES SHOULD NOT BE RECAPPED, BENT, OR REMOVED FROM THE SYRINGE BEFORE DISPOSAL. Once the container is full, it should be sealed, bagged, and kept out of the reach of children or animals until it can be disposed of properly.   
  • Body waste (e.g., urine, vomitus, feces) should be disposed of in the toilet. If body fluids (e.g., urine, vomitus) are spilled, the body fluids should be covered with an absorbent sanitary material, gently swept up, and discarded in plastic bags. 

Clean-up: Spills of blood and body fluids

  • Spills of blood and body fluids should be cleaned up immediately with an approved disinfectant cleaner.
  • Wear gloves.
  • Mop up spill with absorbent material.
  • Wash the area well, using the disinfectant cleaner supplied in the clinic or a 1:10 water/bleach solution. (Mix 1 part household bleach in 10 parts of water. Replace solution daily.) 5. Dispose of gloves, soiled towels, and other waste in sealed plastic bags and place in garbage, as already indicated. 

Clean-up: Routine environmental clean-up

  • When clinics and bathrooms become contaminated with blood or body fluids, use the procedures outlined above.
  • Regular cleaning of non-contaminated surfaces, (e.g., toilet seats, tabletops) can be done with standard cleaning solutions or the 1:10 water/bleach solution described above. Regular cleaning of obvious soil is more effective than extraordinary attempts to disinfect or sterilize surfaces. 
  • Brooms and dustpans must be rinsed with disinfectant. Mops must be soaked in disinfectant, washed, and thoroughly rinsed. The disinfectant solution should be disposed of promptly down the drain.   


Women’s Health - Vaginal Infection


Burning, itching, and an unpleasant odor are just some of the common symptoms of vaginal infections. But treatments vary by condition, so it's important to know which type of vaginal infection you have.

3 Ways You Can Get Vaginal Infection without Having Sex

It is very true that you can have vagina infection without having any form of sexual intercourse! The vagina has a normal population of microorganisms called 'normal flora', which maintains its normal functioning and health.

Any interference with this system would result in an imbalance between the population of the protective and harmful bacteria. The main beneficial microorganisms are the lactobacilli which produce hydrogen peroxide, and any reduction in the level of this substance would result in infection by opportunistic organisms.

Three common conditions or ways you can have vaginal infection without sex include:

Use of Antibiotics

The use of antibiotics, especially on a long term produces vaginal infection. The reason for this is obvious. The high antibiotics concentration reduces the population of the protective vaginal flora, especially the lactobacilli. This would invariably promote the growth and proliferation of vagina yeast, especially Candida albicans.

Use of contraceptives

Oral contraceptive pills do not change the numbers of beneficial lactobacilli. They keep vagina pH at about 4.4, and do not change the thickness of protective vaginal skin cells. The use of oral contraceptive pill may reduce the risk of Bacteria Vaginosis with about 50%. However, the risk for yeast infections is increased when birth control pills are used.
Depo-Provera is an injectable contraceptive which can decrease hydrogen peroxide producing bacteria within few months of use. The consequence of these is the presence of opportunistic infections like candidiasis.
The use of spermicides with diaphragm or cervical cap can cause transient decrease in lactobacilli, and increase the proportion of E. coli, enterococcus, and anaerobic gram negative bacteria.

Douching and use of antiseptic soaps

These products remove the good bacteria and impact on vagina health causing candida super-infection

Treatment for Vaginal Infections

All of these infections can be treated, but it is important to know which infection you have so that the right medication is prescribed.

Salt and Health

A recent report by the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition concluded that sodium is an important determinant of blood pressure, in part influencing the rise of blood pressure with age. As the main source of sodium in the diet is salt (sodium chloride), it has been recommended that people should try to reduce their salt intake to a maximum of 6 grams per day. For most people this will mean reducing their current intake by one-third.

Salt added at the table and during cooking contributes around 10-15 per cent of our total salt intake and naturally occurring salt in foods contributes another 10-15 per cent. Traditionally, salt has been used as a preservative and flavor enhancer. On average around 75 per cent of the salt in our diet comes from processed foods such as bread and cereals products, breakfast cereals, meat products, some ready meals, smoked fish, pickles, canned vegetables, canned and packet sauces and soups, savory snack foods, biscuits and cakes. Spreading fats and cheese also make a small contribution to intake.

The cooperation and commitment of the food and hospitality industry is, therefore, required to develop lower-salt products to help people reduce their salt intake. The FSA is working closely with the food industry to explore ways to lower the sodium content of processed foods, and a number of manufacturers and retailers have already taken action to achieve the necessary reduction. However, such activities will be successful only if there is consumer acceptance of these products. The FSA is playing its part by raising public awareness of the dangers of high blood pressure and the need to reduce the amount of salt in our diets. People can do this by using labels to select lower-salt/sodium products and by persevering so as to adapt their palates to less salty tastes. 

Githeri Recipe

Githeri is a mixture of beans and maize, is one popular stable food in Kenya and some parts of east Africa. <<< all great nutrients for a healthy being.

  • 1 cup or more pre-soaked (overnight) dried maize.
  • 1 cup or more pre-soaked (overnight) dried beans. Black kidney beans which is rich in molybdenum.
  • Carrots
  • Potatoes.
  • Onions.
  • Organic curry powder.
  • Organic cayenne pepper.
  • Natural salt.
  • Cilantro stalks.

Method of preparation.

  • Add water ratio of one part food to 2.5 parts water. (1:2.5) Boil until it reaches the boiling point, reduce heat to a simmer and let it cook nice and slow for 2-3 hours depending on the quality and type of the grain and intensity of fire.
  • Prepare the veggies for the frying process and heat the saucepan with some coconut oil; separate the stock from boiled veggies and discard them as you keep your stock warm to ensure is does not interfere with cooking temperatures.
  • Start with garlic in the heated coconut oil, stir-fry one minute or till aromatic, then onions for another one minute or till translucent then the tomatoes as you slowly add the stock then potatoes and then carrots. Also add cilantro stalk at this moment.
  • Add plenty stock and reduce the sauce for 10 minutes on a simmer (low heat) without lid. This will reduce moisture and concentrate flavors for a thicker tastier sauce like so.
  • Add the boiled maize and beans into the sauce, taste for salt and adjust if need be.
  • Add some cayenne pepper and curry powder and bring to boil, then reduce to low heat and simmer 20 minutes.
  • Chop cilantro, coriander (ndania), grate some carrot and add to the food as it rests for 10 minutes.
  • Serve with your favorite greens and an avocado.

Maryland chicken with coleslaw salad and chips Recipe

  • Chicken ¼ kilogram or more.
  • Garlic, 4 cloves.
  • Ginger 1 piece.
  • Chili powder ½ tea spoon.
  • Black pepper ¼ tea spoon.
  • Soy sauce 2 table spoon.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Flour ½ cup.
  • Bread crumbs 1 cup.
  • Carrots 2 pieces (roughly cut).
  • Onions 2 pieces.
  • Eggs 2 or more.

  • In a boiling water, add garlic ginger, chili powder, black pepper, soy sauce, salt, onions and carrots and let them boil.
  • Add the chicken to boil together.
  • When the chicken is ready, remove, then dust with flour, dip in a beaten eggs and then coat with breadcrumbs and finally deep fry until golden brown.
  • As for the COLESLAW SALAD, shred the cabbages thinly and grate the carrots, add some salt, let it stay for 15 minutes, and then squeeze out water and finally add mayonnaise.

Factors That Affects What We Eat

The individual

Everyone has needs, and wishes to be met according to his or her own satisfaction.

Tastes and habits in eating are influenced by three factors:
  • Upbringing, peer group behavior and social background. For example, children’s tastes are developed at home according to the eating patterns of their family, as is their expectation of when to eat meals; teenagers may frequent hamburger or other fast-food outlets; and adults may eat out once a week at an ethnic or high-class restaurant, steakhouse or pub.
  • Degree of hunger will affect what is to be eaten, when and how much to eat - although some people in the western world overeat and food shortages cause under-nourishment in poorer countries. Everyone ought to eat enough to enable body and mind to function efficiently; if you are hungry or thirsty it is difficult to work or study effectively.
  • Health considerations may influence choice of food, either because a special diet is required for medical reasons, or (as the current emphasis on healthy eating shows) because everyone needs a nutritionally balanced diet. Many people nowadays feel it is healthier not to eat meat or dairy products. Others are vegetarian or vegan for moral or religious reasons.


  • Eating is a necessity, but it is also a means of developing social relationships. The needs and preferences of the people you eat with should be considered. This applies in the family or at the place of study or work. School meals can be a means of developing good eating habits both by the provision of suitable foods and dishes, and by creating an appropriate environment to foster social relationships. Canteens, dining rooms and restaurants for people at work can be places where relationships develop.
  • Often the purpose of eating, either in the home or outside it, is to be sociable and to meet people, or to renew acquaintances or provide the opportunity for people to meet each other. Frequently there is a reason for the occasion (such as birthday, anniversary, wedding or awards ceremony), requiring a special party or banquet menu, or it may just be for a few friends to have a meal at a restaurant.
  • Business is often conducted over a meal, usually at lunchtime but also at breakfast and dinner. Eating and drinking help to make work more enjoyable and effective.

Emotional needs

  • Sometimes we eat not because we need food but to meet an emotional requirement:
  • For sadness or depression - eating a meal can give comfort to oneself or to someone else; after a funeral people eat together to comfort one another.
  • For a reward or a treat, or to give encouragement to oneself or to someone else; an invitation to a meal is a good way of showing appreciation.

Good Food hygiene practice.

Dangers to food.
They include;
  • Chemical (copper, lead, etc.).
  • Plant (toadstools).
  • Bacteria (cause of most cases of food poisoning).

  • Almost everywhere; not all are harmful.
  • Must be magnified 500-1000 times to be seen.
  • Under ideal conditions, they multiply by dividing in two every 20 minutes.
  • Sources of food-poisoning bacteria
  • Human - nose, throat, excreta, spots, cuts, etc.
  • Animal - excreta.
  • Foodstuffs - meat, eggs, milk, from animal carriers.

Method of spread of bacteria.

  • Human - coughs, sneezes, hands.
  • Animals - excreta (rats, mice, cows, pets, etc.), infected carcasses.
  • Other means - equipment, towels, china.

Factor essential for bacteria growth

  • Suitable temperature, time.
  • Enough moisture; suitable food.
  • Methods of control of bacteria growth.
  • Heat: Sterilization, using high temperature to kill all micro-organisms; pasteurization using lower temperatures to kill harmful bacteria only; cooking.
  • Cold: refrigeration at 3-5ᵒC (37-41ᵒF) stops growth of food-poisoning bacteria and retards growth of other micro-organisms; deep freeze at -18ᵒC (0ᵒF) stops growth of all micro-organisms.

Foods commonly causing food poisoning

The common ones include; Poultry, made-up meat dishes, trifles, custards, synthetic cream, sauces, left-over foods.

Common causes of food poisoning.
  • Food prepared too far in advance, storage at ambient temperature.
  • Inadequate cooling and inadequate reheating of food.
  • Contamination of processed food and undercooking.
  • Inadequate thawing and cross-contamination of food.
  • Improper warm holding, infected food handlers.

Food poisoning prevention.
  • Comply with the rules of food and general hygiene.
  • Ensure that high standards of cleanliness are applied to premises and equipment using in preparing food.
  • Prevent accident to premises where food is being prepared.

Specific points to be applied.
  • High standards of personal hygiene.
  • Attention to physical attention.
  • Maintain good working conditions.
  • Maintain equipment used to prepare food in good repair and shape.
  • Use separate equipment and knives for cooked and uncooked foods.
  • Ample provision of cleaning facilities and equipment.
  • Correct storage of foods at the right temperature.
  • Safe reheating of foods.
  • Quick cooking of foods prior to storage.
  • Protection of foods from vermin and insects.
  • Hygienic washing-up procedure.
  • Food handlers knowing how food poisoning is caused.

Health Benefits of Lemons

Lemons are actually very useful. They have amazing beauty and health benefits that we would enjoy if we just took the time to try them out. I have used lemons in my health and beauty regimen and I know for a fact that the results are amazing. They are not immediate but they are worth waiting for.

We have been told time and again about the amazing benefits of lemons. Sometimes, we ignore the information. Sometime we try it out and get tired a few days later because we want the results to be immediate. Sometimes we are just too tired to visit the market and buy the lemons.

Lemons is important for beauty

Lemons can be used to make facial scrub. Just add a few drops of lemon juice to fine sugar and use the mixture to ex-foliate. Lemon has acidic properties that will get rid of all dead skin and leave your face feeling refreshed and so soft. Use lemon-sugar scrub twice a week and you’ll start noticing the difference in no time.

Lemon juice can be used as a facial toner. Isn't this amazing. Instead of spending a fortune at the store to buy your facial toner, just use lemons. Mix one part lemon juice and two parts clean water. Put this in a glass bottle and keep it in a cool and dry place. This should be applied using cotton wool after cleansing your face in the evening before going to bed.

Lemon juice can be added to a mixture of coconut oil and pure honey to make a face mask. This is very affordable and also super easy to make. MASK

When you use lemons in your beauty regimen, there are a million benefits that you are bound to get. These are benefits that I have experienced myself.

Lemons clear blackheads, acne, age spots and even scars to make the skin brighter and smoother. Skin actually glows when you use lemons regularly.

Lemons minimize the size of skin pores thus tightening the skin and slowing down aging. This also helps in moisture retention.