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Remedy for High Blood Pressure


- Heart problems
- Kidney problems
- Insomnia
- Breathing difficulties
- Vision problems (e.g. cloudiness)
- Noise in ears
- Bleeding in nose and ears


- Presence of atherosclerosis
- Hereditary
- Overweight
- Stress
- Nervousness


- Reduce intake of salt, fats and carbohydrates
- Take in potassium, vitamin D, calcium (dissolves sodium content)
- Take Garlic and Lecithin (dissolves blood clots)

FLP Products
Garlic & Thyme Softgels. (4 daily, 1 with each meal). Contains lecithin, improves circulation, strengthens capillary walls, dissolves and prevents blood clots.
Aloe Vera Gel (juice).
(90 - 180ml daily, 60ml at each meal). Digestive, nutritive, anti-inflammatory.
Arctic Sea Capsules.
(6 capsules dailo, 2 with each meal). Contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, EPA, omega 3, 6, 9. Improves circulation, prevents and dissolves blood clots.
A-Beta-CarE Softgels.
(3 daily, 1 with each meal). Contains Vit A & E. Anti-oxidant, anti-coagulant, dilates blood vessels, improves circulation, strengthens capillary walls, prevents and dissolves blood clots.

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