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As pleasant or unpleasant as feelings can be, they are not good or bad, right or wrong. They are simply your feelings. Because they are your feelings, you oversee how to express them.
A Guide to Dealing with Boredom
Boredom is feeling tired, restless, and uninterested. You may stare into space. You can’t think of anything to do or anyone to be with. Your mind and body feel sluggish. You feel “out of sorts” When you are bored, it feels like you be that way forever.
When does, boredom occur?
You may be bored when it seems there is “nothing to do” on a rainy day, when you are sick, or when all your friends are busy.
Strategies in dealing with boredom
Name your feeling. Allow yourself to be bored. When you are tired of being bored, exercise can help; so, can challenging yourself to find something out of the ordinary to do all by yourself. You could start a new project or even start writing a book describing how bored you are!
A Guide to Dealing with Anger
Anger is a strong feeling of displeasure. Anger can rage out of control in words, tears, or physical action, or it can stay bottled up inside. It can be directed outward to other people or inward toward yourself. Anger can last a few minutes to several weeks.
When does, anger occur?
Anger can arise from a disagreement between you and a friend, between you and your parents, or between you and anyone else who upsets you. You can also feel anger when you are hurt or disappointed.
Strategies in dealing with anger
Learn to express your anger in ways that make you feel in control. You can leave the situation and give yourself time to cool off. You can count to ten, choose something else to do, or read something that makes you laugh. If you disagree with someone, it helps if you both express your feelings and listen carefully to each other. If an angry situation continues for a long time, or if there are threats of violence, ask for help from a family member, counselor, or other trusted adult.
A Guide to Dealing with Loneliness
Loneliness is a painful, empty feeling of isolation. A poor self-concept can make feelings of loneliness worse. You may think that no one wants to be your friend which increases your level of stress.
When does, loneliness occur?
Loneliness can result from rejection, a misunderstanding between friends, moving to a new neighborhood or school, or an illness.
Strategies in dealing with loneliness
Naming your feeling and admitting you are lonely are good first steps. If you are in a new situation, remember that making new friends takes time. Be patient with yourself. Look for interests you have in common with people around you. Join an after-school activity that helps you meet people your age who have similar interests. Ask for help from your family, teacher, or counselor.
A Guide to Dealing with Shyness
Shyness is avoiding contact with others. You may have difficulty talking to people in groups or in new situations. You may avoid eye contact or speak in a very soft voice. You may have trouble making new friends, volunteering, or speaking in front of a group. Shyness can cause you to blush, have sweaty hands, a pounding heart, or butterflies in your stomach.
When does, shyness occur?
You may feel shy when facing new situations, speaking in front of the class, or introducing yourself to someone for the first time.
Strategies in dealing with shyness
Know that there is nothing wrong with being shy. Some people are naturally more shy than others. If you want to overcome your shyness, think of one situation where you would like to feel less shy—speaking out loud in class, for example. You may be surprised to learn that other students also feel shy. Your teacher may also have suggestions to help you.
A Guide to Dealing with Grief
Grief is a feeling of great sadness that lasts for a long while. You may cry often, find it hard to concentrate on your work, feel tired, and may not enjoy doing the things you used to do and may find it hard to think about the future.
When does, grief occur?
Grief is a normal response when a person experiences a loss, such as when a family member dies, the family changes, a close friend moves away or a pet dies.
Strategies in dealing with grief
Grief can last for a long while. Be patient with yourself. Openly expressing your feelings of loss will help you start to feel better. Find people you can talk to about your feelings. Writing about a person or pet who died can also help. Remember, the pain you feel will lessen over time.