Health and safety training is a vital, moral and legal
requirement upon all employers no matter what their business activity. All
staff must be aware of occupational hazards and systems developed to reduce
risks and prevent accidents.
Developing a positive safety culture
It is important to develop within the organization a safety
culture to maintain health and safety, to save time and money in preventing
accidents and decreased time off work. Achieving this require time and effort
to create a caring, committed and well-organized management that understands
the benefits of good health and safety practice.
The safety policy is the essential basic foundation on which
to build. Once this policy has been developed, control of workplace hazards is
possible, and this involves getting systems and procedures under way. This is a
vital part of staff training.
Periodic review of system will be necessary to further
develop health and safety, which constantly changes. Reviews should be actioned
on a regular basis: when workplace systems change, when new equipment is
installed, and so on.Staff facilities and welfare of all employees at a place of
work is the responsibility of the employer. Facilities should be provided that
are both safe and beneficial.
Safety programs
Training and information - Such program instruct staff in
how to handle materials safely, use equipment correctly and detect symptoms of
Medical examinations - Some problems can be detected early
and before they become serious. Employees should have regular check-ups. This
will depend on their age and position within the organization.
Early treatment - If any unusual symptoms appear, the
employee should inform their line manager, then report to the health and safety
officer and seek medical advice. Early investigation and treatment can be most
Monitoring illness patterns - Health professionals, such as
occupational health nurses, record cases of illness, take samples from
contaminated areas and keep medical records.
Implementing health and safety measures doesn't have to be
expensive, time consuming or complicated. In fact, safer and more efficient
working practices can save money and greatly improve working conditions for
your employees.
If you have five or more employees you will need to write
down your health and safety policy. This sets out how you manage health and
safety in your organization. It needn't be overly complicated, but should be
something that is meaningful and useful to you and your staff.