Tips for Healthy Teeth and Gums.
Take care of your teeth today, so that they take care of your proper digestion and health tomorrow. Your attention to overall oral health and hygiene can pave the path for your radiant smile in the years to come.
Here are a few vital tips that help you to whiten your teeth and to maintain healthy teeth and gums
- Brushing
- Flossing
- Eating properly
- Visiting the dentist
Brushing - This is the age-old method, but most probably the best. Brushing your teeth after each meal removes small food particles from the back of the teeth and thus protects from the formation of unwanted bacteria. Choose a toothbrush with soft bristles and round head for reaching the back side of the teeth. Most people think that if their toothpaste produces a lot of foam, then they are very effective. This is a wrong notion. Fluoridated kinds of toothpaste are better because they help to reduce tooth decay and strengthen the tooth enamel.
Flossing - Flossing gets rid of food and plaque between the teeth, where your toothbrush cannot reach. If you want to flash that million dollar smile, then floss with a gentle motion. Move the floss up and down against the tooth and up and around the gum line. The floss should form a C-shape around the tooth as you floss. Floss between each tooth as well as behind the back teeth. Use a clean section of floss as needed and take up used floss by winding it around the fingers. For more effective results, rinse with a ‘tarter dissolver’ which will slowly remove the hardened plaque that forms on the teeth and the gum line.
Eating properly - Food rich in Vitamin C, Calcium, and Phosphorus should be taken in the right proportions to maintain the oral hygiene and prevent tooth decay. Stay away from food rich in sugar, because the bacteria in the dental plaque transforms this sugar into acids which make the teeth yellow, stained and eventually lead to a major oral problem. Control intake of soft drinks, fruit juices, and cordials. Acidic drinks tend to soften the hard covering of teeth and dissolve the minerals present in tooth enamel, causing cavities and decay. Avoid such drinks to save your teeth.
Visiting the dentist frequently - This is of prime importance, although we generally avoid doing so unless we suffer from a toothache or any other discomfort like extraction of a painful wisdom tooth, some gum bleeding or other problems. You can also ask your dentist about dental sealants. A sealant is a material used to coat the top, chewing surfaces of the teeth. This coating protects the tooth from decay and usually lasts a long time. If you keep your date with your dental hygienist on a regular basis, it is guaranteed that your teeth and gum related problems will be at bay.
In case of a toothache see... Toothache First Aid Guide
In case of a toothache see... Toothache First Aid Guide