Checking Posture during Pregnancy

Your centre of gravity may shift forward as your uterus and breasts get bigger. This can cause a sway or arch in your lower back, and this sway can cause your shoulders to slump forward. Poor posture can cause discomfort in your back, shoulders, and hips.
Check your posture during pregnancy throughout the day by:

  • pulling in your abdominal muscles - think “belly button to back bone”
  • pulling your shoulders back and straightening your spine
  • standing up straight and walking tall

Caring for Your Back during Pregnancy

Back pain is common later in pregnancy. Follow these tips for back safety and comfort:
  • keep good posture
  • don’t lift heavy objects
  • lift with your legs and not your back by bending your knees
  • hold the object you are lifting close to your body
  • do not twist when lifting
  • keep your knees slightly bent but not locked when standing
  • “log roll” when getting up from a lying position (turn onto your side and push up with both arms)
  • rest and sleep on your side and put a pillow between your knees to support the upper leg
  • avoid moving large objects
  • If standing for long periods of time, put one foot on a stool
  • wear comfortable, supportive shoes

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