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Education and training in First Aid has been shown to increase survival from trauma among those patients cared for by trained first aid providers and to improve the resolution of symptoms.

Education in the form of a public health campaign has also improved the ability to recognize life-threatening illness, such as stroke and from a prevention perspective it has been shown to reduce the incidence of burn injury.

Simple First Aid kits not to miss in your Homes.
First aid education programmes, public health campaigns and formal first aid training are recommended in order to improve prevention, recognition and management of injury and illness.

First Aid Objectives

  • To know the importance of First aid
  • To have a knowledge on basic first aid treatment in case of injury or accidents
  • To learn the simple life saving techniques that would greatly help in cases of emergency
  • To react to a given emergency situation correctly
  • To learn to demonstrate the simple life saving techniques, some basic rescue drag and carrying techniques for evacuation of victims.

First aid priorities

Assess a situation quickly and calmly
Protect yourself and any casualties from danger (never put yourself at risk)
Prevent cross infection between yourself and the casualty
Comfort and reassure casualties at all times
Assess the casualty (identify, as far as you can, the injury or nature of illness affecting a casualty)
Give early treatment and treat the casualties with the most serious (life threatening) conditions first
Arrange for appropriate help
Stay with a casualty until care is available

Employers Guidelines

Employers also need to provide appropriate first aid equipment, facilities and people, so you can be given immediate help if you are injured or taken ill at work. They need to display notices telling you:
• who the first aiders are and how to contact them
• where to find the first aid box
The law states that your employer must: carry out an assessment of first aid needs
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